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The birthplace of great seafarers and many an epicurean delight, Portugal’s charm is best found in its impressive scenery and history. Many civilisations have left their mark, and one can even witness the first stirrings of mankind in the ancient stone carvings at Vila Nova de Foz Coa. The food is equally rich and flavourful, with familiar eats like pastel de nata and cataplana serving up a delectable gastronomic experience.

Find hotels in Portugal compare hotel rates and book the best hotel deals online.

Select the city within Portugal you will travel to e.g. Lisbon, Setubal, Porto, Funchal, Faro, Ponta Delgada, Terceira.

Wego will search hundreds of travel websites and return a listing of accommodation options including: inns, resorts, motels, hostels, bed and breakfast and more.